Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another One Bites the Dust

Last night at Coldstone, McKay took a "header" that resulted in a giant goose egg on his forehead and a deep gash under his right eye.  His eye was bleeding profusely, so Adam dropped Ty and me off at home and took him to urgent care.  The doctor who treated him said that if it were anywhere else on his body, she would stitch it up, but since it was so close to his eye, she couldn't do that.  She said Adam could take him to the emergency room where they could sedate him and then stitch it, but that it wasn't a big enough laceration that that would be totally necessary.  She had to pull some of his bottom eyelashes out because she was afraid that they would grow into the wound and cause infection.  Adam said McKay was (understandably) screaming his head off.  I was SO, SO grateful that it happened at a time when he was around and could take him.  I wouldn't have handled that too well!

Last year, I was excited for January to be done with because of the "blah" factor.  This year, I am ready to be done with January because it has been a medical disaster month for our family! Just in the last six days, McKay has had three fairly major injuries:  one involving a finger being closed in a door and left there for about three minutes, one involving a crash into the exterior corner of a wall resulting in a gash down his cheek (you can see the remnant of that one in the second picture), and of course, last night's incident.  Between that, Adam's surgery, four cases of strep throat, and another trip to the doctor yesterday for an on-going condition that Ty is being treated for (not to mention his concussion before Christmas!), I am about DONE with doctors and hospitals!!  Here's hoping that we get all our sicknesses/injuries out of the way the first month of the year and the rest of the year we will be healthy and well!


Beth said...

Oh Meggin -- I'm so sorry! Yes, you have had more than your share of medical mishaps this month. :-(

Kylee said...

Yikes, poor dude! And poor parents, too! You deserve a break after all those mishaps! Hopefully you have good insurance! :)

Ash said...

blah! I hate every bit of that! All I can say is I hope you have incredible insurance! love you!