Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day One: Martin's Cove

This past week, Adam and I had the incredible experience to participate as a Ma and Pa in our stake youth trek.  I will admit that I was quite reluctant to go, as I pretty much loathe camping and being dirty. But I have to say, it was a real privilege to be there.  It was a wonderful, life-changing experience.  I was planning on just doing one post and letting the pictures pretty much speak for themselves, but I realized that even after condensing my photo selection, I still have far too many for a single post.  So I will break it down by day, instead.  

The Bus Ride

Martin's Cove

I had been to Martin's Cove before, but this was the first time for Adam.  One of the missionaries that spoke to us there referred to Marin's Cove as the "Wyoming Temple."  I liked that.  It certainly had a sacred, reverent spirit there similar to the temple.  It was really neat to be able to be there with Adam.

1 comment:

Nichols Family said...

I loved learning about your wonderful trek experience! How fun. I hope the boys were good for their Grandparents.