Monday, December 5, 2011


McKay had his first accident-free morning today.  Woohoo!!  He is doing remarkably well.  Here's his potty chart again, 72 hours since I last posted it:

He has made some serious strides in three days, and considering he has only been at this potty training thing for a grand total of four days, I am feeling pretty good about his progress!
I still hate potty training, though!  It's not so much about cleaning up the mess, I just hate being in lockdown mode, feeling totally stir-crazy because I can't leave the house (not that I really even want to in this yucky 10 degree weather).  It's also the constant stress of wondering, "Where is he right now?  Is he going to ruin something if he has an accident right now?  How long has it been since he last went?"  Because at this point, I am still the one initiating the trips to the bathroom.  He definitely still has a way to go before he will be fully trained.
I'm feeling good though.  And I won't post a picture, because I don't think it's appropriate to put a picture of my boy in his undies on the blog, but there is nothing cuter than a 2-year-old in tiny boxer-briefs.  :)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ugh! We're potty training Brooklyn right now too...I totally understand...and it's horrible...