Thursday, December 6, 2012

Gobble Gobble

We had a nice, low-key Thanksgiving this year.  Some of our dear family friends dropped off a fun pilgrim hat craft for the boys, so I was able to do that with them while Adam played in a turkey bowl and Annie napped.

Then we headed up to Broomfield to spend the holiday with my Uncle Kirk and Aunt Kendra.

My cousin, Chelsea was able to be home from BYU for the holiday, but even still it was a pretty small group this year--our family, Kirk and Kendra, Chelsea and Shane, and my grandma.  But it was just right.

Annie got to try sweet potatoes and jello for the first time.  She was a fan!
My First Thanksgiving!

In the end, the fingers won out.  They always do.
After dinner, we got serenaded by Chelsea and Adam.  And McKay was so impressed with Chelsea's ukelele.  ("A guitar that's just my size!")
Rockin' Out

And then, wonder of wonders, McKay was introduced to the air popper.  It's a true curiosity to a 3-year-old, let me tell you!
The pilgrim hat on Shane is a nice touch, no?

Thanks to Kirk and Kendra for inviting us into their home for the holiday.  Even though all of both mine and Adam's immediate families are in Utah, it's nice to have some extended family not too far away!

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