Friday, November 5, 2010

Baby Bodyguard

The boys and I got flu shots this morning.  I was the last of our trio to get mine.  I was holding McKay in my right arm, so he wouldn't run away, and requested the shot in my left arm.  When Mac saw the nurse prep my arm and pull out the needle, he shouted at the male nurse, "No, no no!" and tried to swat the needle away.  The nurse was a bit perturbed, but it was a heart-melting moment for me.  I imagine that if McKay could string together a sentence of more than two or three words, he would have said, "Hey, dude, you just stuck me with that thing, and it hurt.  Don't you dare do that to my mommy!"  Anyway, his intent was clearly to protect me, and I thought it was so sweet that my 18-month old was trying to come to my defense!  It reminded me of when Mac received his baby blessing, and Adam blessed him that he and I would have a very special bond throughout our lives.  SO, SO true.  He may seem like a tough guy, but this one is a serious mamma's boy!


Ash said...

:) He is too cute!!!

Shannon said...

So I was telling Robby about this post and I totally cried when I told him! That is so sweet. I can tell my little guy is a momma's boy too and so it totally got to me!

Megan said...

So sweet! He is totally looking more and more like Ty as he gets older.

Kami said...

So cute Seag! Also, I hate shots! I really do.