Monday, February 22, 2010

Beautiful Day of Peace and Rest?

I don't think so.

*To preface this, I just want to say that this is not intended to be read as a narcissistic, we-are-so-righteous post. I understand things could be a LOT more hectic. Take for instance, my sister-in-law Angie, whose 30-year-old husband happens to be the bishop, which necessitates her caring for their FIVE small children basically single-handedly. I get it. Well, ok, I don't really get it. But I know that it could be worse. I am just saying that for us, it was a pretty wild day.

That being said, this is what happened in our family yesterday:

6:45 AM: Adam leaves to the Church to fill in for the YM President for the 7 AM Ward Council meeting.
7:00 AM: I get up to begin the task of getting myself and two small boys ready for 9 AM church.
9:00-ish: We arrive at church.
9:00-Noon: Church. During which, I might add, I was spontaneously called up in Sacrament Meeting to bear my testimony about missionary work. I felt like it might happen, so it didn't completely blindside me, but it was slightly unnerving, none the less.
12:10 PM: I find Adam after church to pass off the kids to him so that I can attend my 12:15 ward missionary meeting. He informs me he has to do some sort of a project with the scouts. It shouldn't be more than half an hour. The kids go to my meeting with me.
1:00 PM: I head home with the kids. Adam says he doesn't have time to go home b/c he has to print out some stuff for the prospective elder class he teaches at 1:30.
1:00-2:00 PM: I get the kids lunch, dinner goes in the crock pot, and put the kids down for naps.
1:30-2:45 PM: Adam teaches prospective elder class.
2:00-2:30 PM: I make cookies for Adam to take to his youth fireside.
2:30-4:00 PM: I do missionary visits. The neighbors across the street come over to stay with the kids while they nap. LIFESAVER!
3:00-4:30 PM: Adam does three home-teaching visits.
4:30-5:30 PM: We prepare dinner together, and laugh about how wild our day has been so far!
5:30-7:30 PM: We have the Birds, a family that has recently moved into our ward, over for dinner. (SO fun by the way! We have a lot in common--I think we will be good friends!)
7:00-9:00 PM: Adam attends youth fireside.
7:30-8:30 PM: I get the boys ready and down for bed (late).
8:30 PM: I am appalled at the state of my house after such a busy day and begin the enormous task of washing mountains of dishes and cleaning up all the toys left behind by the boys.
10:00 PM: The house is clean, we are exhausted, we decide to call it a night. Monday has never looked so good!


Beth said...

Yikes Meggin, that is a BUSY DAY!! You guys are amazing. I'm lucky you're in MY ward and I get to reap the benefits (directly or indirectly) of all your service!!

A little Birdie... said...

Alright, I am SO coming to your house and cleaning for you! I felt horrible leaving you with all that mess and chaos! I definitely owe you :)

Sarah Keith said...

I so understand those Sundays! Well, I still only have one kid, but other than that! You are a good wife. I would have complained!

Kylee said...

That is hilarious and so very true! Sounds like your ward has taken good advantage of your talents! :) Good thing you guys aren't as busy during the week anymore...well at least not with busy season!