Thursday, September 27, 2012

I got breakfast in bed this morning.

Which has happened only twice in my whole life, I think.  I was up in the night last night with each of my three kids at different times (!), one to blow his nose, one to use the bathroom, and one to eat.  I can't tell you how long it has been since I have been up with either one of my boys in the nighttime, and it's quite rare for Annie to wake up in the night now, too, so it was a major shock to the system to have to get up three times!  When my 6 AM wakeup time rolled around, I was pretty exhausted.  Add to that the fact that I have been working with a personal trainer three times a week, and running 3-4 miles on my own 2-3 times a week on top of that, and my body just felt totally and completely spent.  After considerable internal debate, I decided to skip my run this morning in favor of sleep.  And I slept hard until almost 8 AM (I never thought ten years ago that 8 would be a major sleep-in!!), at which point my boys crawled into bed on either side of me.  Ty and I were joking with each other that we were so tired that we would probably just stay in bed all day long.  "But what about our meals?"  Ty asked.  "Oh, I'm so tired I think I'll just skip eating today,"  I responded jokingly.  Without warning, Ty jumped out of bed and left the room.  And yep, I dozed back to sleep.  But a few minutes later, Ty came back in with a bowl of my Special K cereal for me.  "Here's your breakfast, Mom,"  he said.  "If you are going to stay in bed all day then I will just bring you some food."

Isn't he just the greatest kid ever?

He left again and returned a few minutes later with another bowl of cereal for him.  And I wasn't even upset at all when he spilled it on my dry-clean-only comforter.  (Why do I even have a dry-clean-only comforter?!  Three kids and dry-clean-only anything shouldn't mix!)

I wish every day began like this.  


Ash said...

What a sweetheart! I love that boy!!! (and McKay in the background curled up with his thumb in his mouth-- so classic!)

Beth said...

Oh, I love this story! What a good way to wake up! Way to go, Ty!

Heather said...

Loved that. So, so cute and thoughtful.