Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Adam!

Today Adam is 28.  I wish I could say that he has had a fabulous birthday and that we have been able to celebrate, but it's busy season, people, remember?!  Unfortunately, his birthday is at the exact wrong time of the year for the profession he has chosen.  Fortunately, we did get to see him today!  He was able to come home and eat lunch with us, and Ty was in absolute heaven. We'll take what we can get right now.  We are going to go out to dinner tomorrow night and really celebrate then.  But even though we aren't partying today, I couldn't let this day pass without wishing a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best husband and daddy ever!


C.J. said...

Happy Birthday Adam! Hope you get to celebrate at least a little bit. Good luck with the rest of "busy season".

Heather said...

great post
what a cute couple you guys are and glad you know how to celebrate!